Image of woman with graduation cap happy about her options

University Student Assessments

We are able to complete assessments for students with learning disorders and/or ADHD that are planning to attend or attending community college or university. Recommendations are tailored to the individual based on their learning profile and program of study.

Post-Secondary students will receive a comprehensive confidential report that details information collected throughout the assessment. We will meet with you to explain the report in detail, so you fully understand any diagnosis and how you can best advocate for yourself.

Our reports include evidence-based programming suggestions tailored to your cognitive/learning profile. We make every effort to ensure our recommendations are practical and achievable within your learning setting.

Some Assessment Fees Could be Covered for Post-Secondary Students

Post-Secondary students are encouraged to check their school health plans as many plans cover expenses for assessment. Please seek out further information about how to apply through the Accessibility Services office at your local university (see links below).

Post-Secondary students with a Learning Disability diagnosis might be eligible to have some assessment fees reimbursed through the Canada Student Grant. Please see the following link for additional information regarding accessibility services that are available to students in Nova Scotia:

Additional Information Regarding Local Accessibility Services

Nova Scotia Community College

Mount Saint Vincent University

Saint Mary’s University

Dalhousie University

Acadia University

We are accepting new referrals for assessments!

As of June 2023, new Psychologists have joined our team and are accepting referrals for both School Age and Post Secondary Educational Assessments.

When you call for an assessment intake, we will immediately schedule your appointment(s) for the assessment.

Please be advised:
A psycho-educational assessment is usually completed over the course of two or three days totalling approximately 6 hours. Breaking the assessment into separate days helps to ensure the assessment experience is not stressful for you.

You will be contacted to review assessment results within 2-3 weeks of the assessment being completed. The process of scoring, interpreting and report writing can be longer or shorter depending on the complexity of the assessment. Please consult your psychologist directly to determine an exact timeline.

We will always consult with you to ensure that the assessment schedule best communicates the most reliable and valid results for you.