Consultation & Advocacy

  • What is consultation?

    Consultation is meeting together or gathering information to support an intervention, and may include:

    Meeting or speaking with outside agencies on our client’s behalf (including schools and universities);

    Conducting an interview to define the issue(s) and next steps;

    Discussing a client’s specific situation and related documents as necessary to inform next steps and empower the client to self advocate.

  • How does consultation help?

    Psychologists can provide support and advocacy for individuals with learning disabilities, ADHD, and intellectual delays/disabilities.

    With a focus on improving daily functioning, we can develop plans and provide consultation to workplaces and other agencies.

  • Which Spirit team members offer consultation?

    All of our Spirit team members offer consultation & advocacy within their professional scope and established fee scale.

    We provide advocacy and support to individuals based on specific needs.

    In particular, our psychologists have an understanding of learning, cognition, and adaptive functioning.